with Natalie Potts

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The THREE Key Outcomes:

More Clients, More Money and More Freedom 

Times are the most uncertain they have ever been and business owners are feeling stressed, overwhelmed and often feeling like they are winging it.


This is exciting for those of us who see a world of opportunities.


Maybe you have done the big thing and left the day job, you've decided the side hustle is your future and are mapping out the steps to leave yet you have no idea where to start. 


The truth is, great things take time. The longer you keep modelling what everyone else does, and hoping this next thing will be it... the breakthrough, you actually push yourself further away from your dreams.

 Client Success Stories


Imagine messages like this through your day... I use to dream of this too. Now it's my reality.



You don't have to live a life based on others expectations of you.

As the cost of living continues to rise, it is paramount you have the right support of people who know the latest trends.

There is no better time to implement the knowledge and experience you have right now. You only need to have 10% more than your ideal client and guess what, you are an expert... we just need to be clear on what it is you're the expert in.

By approaching business in this way, I now have a lifestyle where I am able to prioritise myself, increase my revenue streams and I have more time to spend with my loved ones. It's kind of cool having more than 3 days off at Christmas too.



I want you to be inspired

I want you to feel valued

I want you to be connected

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A path to limitless success with no mindset blocks... sounds good right? There's more...

  • Be confident in sales conversations with prospects
  • Develop a clear and organised sales process
  • Learn the secrets of building and sustaining MOMENTUM (my favourite word) so you always love your business
  • Create quicks wins
  • Understand the fundamentals of every business: attracting clients, predictable sales and exceptional delivery
  • Nurture genuine lifelong relationships and create business opportunities
  • Knowing what to do and when. No more "I don't understand business."
  • Stopping procrastinating and letting imposter syndrome or self-doubts hold you back

Would this help?

What is the cost of not having the support and guidance you need in the long term?

  • Building an audience where you attract your dream client.
  • Being visible online without feeling like people are judging you.
  • A sales process that confidently guides you through conversations with people interested in what you do.
  • Clarity on what to post on social media that will grow engagement.
  • Focus on he right metrics that you can look at daily and know what you are working towards.
  • A community of like minded people who "get it". 
  • A space to feel valued, hard and listened bringing all your amazing ideas together.
  • Knowing how to build and sell your programmes without your head spinning with uncertainty
  • Creating funnel that will bring in leads from many places

And that's just the start.

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What is the cost of not having the support and guidance you need in the long term?

  • Building an audience where you attract your dream client.
  • Being visible online without feeling like people are judging you.
  • A sales process that confidently guides you through conversations with people interested in what you do.
  • Clarity on what to post on social media that will grow engagement.
  • Focus on he right metrics that you can look at daily and know what you are working towards.
  • A community of like minded people who "get it". 
  • A space to feel valued, hard and listened bringing all your amazing ideas together.
  • Knowing how to build and sell your programmes without your head spinning with uncertainty
  • Creating funnel that will bring in leads from many places

And that's just the start.

Every business is built on three pillars:


Attract a prospect

Convert a prospect

Delivery exceptional service


MOMENTUM will not only bring you more money, impact and freedom from the knowledge you already have, it will give you the awareness to take the right steps to success, leaving nothing to chance.

What Can MOMENTUM Do For You?

More than you can dream of.


To be honest, Momentum will give you the strategy, training, support, accountability and community to take your business to level.

More than you can dream of.


To be honest, Momentum will give you the strategy, training, support, accountability and community to take your business to level.



  • Positioning: Knowing with absolute certainty and clarity what your brand identity is and a how you stand with an edge above everyone else.
  • Targeting: Every remarkable business is built on strong foundation. Clarify your purpose, set growth goals and own a clear action plan to achieve your business vision.
  • Connection: Be intentional with every action you take in your marketing to simply start conversations naturally with potential clients and understand what they want so you can discuss how you can help them.


  • Confidence: Selling is not about having a chat. It is an intentional action where a connection is made to seek to understand exactly what someone wants. Knowing with absolute certainty and confidence that the services you provide will change lives is key.
  • Process: Business and sales is about having a clear step by step process creating a seamless experience for a client where they have all the information to make an informed decision. It is suppose to be natural, not pushy and salesy so people feel that not working with you is simply a stupid idea.
  • Skills: Believe in yourself. Master your mindset, build resilience and reframe your relationship with money so you articulate your offer in a clear, confident and exciting way.


  • Build: Create irresistible offers that help solve your clients biggest problems and build an audience to sell to. 
  • Systems: Being visible in the right circles brings opportunities. From lead magnets to list building and easy to implement systems you can content and monetise your message that resonates with your audience and builds trust without spending your life at a laptop.
  • Numbers: Absolute clarity over the most important numbers you need to measure inside your business to drive predictable growth. Knowing your numbers is a critical skill in measuring success that not many business owners have.




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Here's what my clients have to say...

REMINDER: It starts with WHY?


Do you want to make your dream a reality or live to someone else's expectations?


We all have knowledge that we can use to help someone.

We just might not know how that transpires into something tangible and market it.

I created this because I believe too many people make business complicated and it really doesn't have to be.

 What I love is when a client says "this is life changing"


I know myself how important it is to invest. I've invested £60k in my business and have worked to develop a model that is easily relatable and transferable to others. By sharing this with you, I want you to see the art of the possible and remove any objections based on little evidence. You can also trust that I have done the due diligence work for you. I have the skills and knowledge you need to close the gaps in your business.

You and I will talk the boring stuff, structure, process, systems and also the art of being patient. You're reading this because you are curious and want more from your world. I know what that feels like and I can assure you as you know, overnight success is not a thing. Success is when you decide to take massive action. Success leaves clues.


I'll show you the right way to take massive action and we'll have some fun on the way. I promise!

I'm Natalie Potts


This is my "official" bio....


Natalie is a Business Strategist and award winning professional development coach helping ambitious, purpose driven business owners and entrepreneurs, live life on their own terms creating impact, happiness and having balance as they do so.



The non "official" part...

I had a great childhood! I don't have that story to tell. My parents weren't poor but they weren't rich so I grew up associating money and value with working long hours.

I worked hard at school and I got good grades.

It’s why when she graduated from university, I secured a place on a FTSE100 leadership program and thought nothing of working different shift patterns, whilst my friends were out enjoying themselves in the evenings and at weekends.

But whilst I was confident on the outside, my self esteem was at an all-time low. 

At 26 years old, I plucked up the courage to join a gym! Yes... I was the one in the corner not wanting to make eye contact with anyone as I slowly jogged away on the treadmill. I got the bug and over the space of two and a half years went from thirteen stone and a size eighteen to just eight and a half stone – and a size six.

Over this time, I was not only able to chart my own journey through fitness photoshoot feeling very self conscious but I also stepped into my first pair of jeans. Yes that's right... I had never felt comfortable in anything but Adidas joggers until the age of 26. I finally started to feel happy in how I looked.

Always working towards the next leadership challenge, I was petrified of putting all my eggs in one basket so I began the journey to become a qualified Personal Performance and Corporate Executive Coach which led me on to win CPD Coach of the year in 2019 at the International Coaching Awards. Very flash!

But it opened my eyes to what else was possible and I began my coaching practice on the side of also working 70 hour weeks.

When the pandemic hit, like for so many of us, it was tough. I had to oversee a redundancy programme and was offered a senior position which became all too encompassing. I hit the glass ceiling and failed a promotion with directors. I was devastated. If truth be told, my dad was right at the time as he told me "this will be your gift."

I knew deep down I needed to re-focus on my coaching practise if I was going to be truly happy and fulfilled. 19 years working for one business at my age is not really heard of in these times and as I started to connect the dots I knew I had to step away from that world.

Within 90 days, I'd made more than a third of my  previous annual salary by working less than half the hours. BOOM!

The biggest learning has been my challenge around time for money. As I said, all I knew was if I worked hard, I'd get results.

I quickly learned this is not the way it is in the entrepreneurial world but I do know whilst I manage this that carving out my own version of success is where I am at my best. By bringing together a wealth of experience, knowledge and passion for business and people I will make it happen. I'm an action taker.

I'm now on a mission to help my clients create more impact, money and more freedom on their terms.



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Imagine where you could be in 3 months time if you went all in and said YES to this?

This is your opportunity to end 2023 in the way you wanted.

I look forward to heping you grow your business and live life on your terms.

Success on your terms.

Why not you?

Life changing results are here for you, I would love to help you.



How can you position yourself as the best in the business?

Your reputation is built on the consistency, quality & volume of your results. You have authority and with consistency comes credibility. People see what you do and they want to share their success with others. You create the ripple effect.



How can you have a business earning your worth and loving what you do?
Everyone wants something around wealth, health and relationships. You're most valuable asset is time. People don't look to you as a cost, but an investment in their future to help them get to where they want to be. You do not want to be seen in your market as cheap. You want to be seen as consistent and it is this that brings the ability to have predictable profit.


How can you build a business that inspires you and others?
Your mindset is everything. It has to be in shape before your business can be. Being connected truly with who you are and what you stand for will connect you with others that brings ultimate freedom in your life.